Posted by: Amber Kallyn | September 7, 2010

Dragons or Dinosaurs?

Could dragons have existed? We know Dinos did because we have proof. We have their skeletons, their footprints, their eggs.

No one has found a fossil and said, “Yup, this one’s a dragon.”

Why not? Did they never exist except for in the minds of people?

I don’t think so.

Then again, I am a writer J

There’s a movie from Discovery titled Dragons. In it, they ‘find’ the frozen remains of a dragon. Through the show, as they ‘examine’ these remains, they talk about different areas of the myths: flying, breathing fire, ect. and talk about the physiology of the creature and how such things could have been possible.

It’s a great movie. Go watch it.

But the overall conclusion of the show is that dragons could have existed. They could have flown (bird-like light bones and large wings). They could have breathed fire (two chambered lungs and throat, eating magnesium).

And yet, no one had ever found one.

That, is the magic of it all.

Q4U: Do you think it’s possible dragons existed/exist?


  1. There is a possibility which has not yet been mentioned. What if Dragons existed on another planet? What if humans came from that other planet or planets before we settled here? Or perhaps we were simply in communication with them at some point in the past. According to religious lore, we all descend from a single man who saved his family from the world-wide flood. If this is true, then only one dragon mythology from his day would have then spread to all the cultures of the world as they grew from his sons.

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